Should students be allowed to have cellphones in school?

Nowadays, it is the most controversial question at schools and even at home. On one hand, cell phones can be useful for communication with close friends and relatives, for searching for information for school tasks, etc. However, it concerns about distractions and bullying.

What's your point? Do you believe cell phones are a necessary tool or a disruptive object in the classroom?

Share your thoughts in the comments below. Let's open up the dialogue and explore the various perspectives on this contentious issue together!
Your input matters.
Here you have some interesting posts about the matter we are adressing. Inspire yourself!


  1. Hello, my opinion about mobile phones is that they should be used with the supervision of an adult because if you are a minor and you see or send inappropriate things it can harm you. Parents should check your phone from time to time to check that you are using social networks well. They can also be used to request homework or exam dates, school things. That is very useful. There are some places where using your mobile phone is prohibited, for example: school, in here you mustn´t use it because otherwise they will take it away and you won't learn.

  2. Hello, in my opinion mobile phones encourage lack of attention to class, on the other hand it could be used to search for information (projects, teamwork... that kind of thing).
    Also the use of phones could cause misunderstandings through photos or messages shared during class.
    All this gives more points against than in favor of the use of mobile phones. That is my opinion.

  3. Hello, in my opinion the mobile phone at school can represent a great risk for new generations, such as abuse, which causes real addictions, increasingly distracted students.
    But it is also good to always carry it when used responsibly and with permission or in case of emergency.
    This is what I think.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Hello! In my opinion, the use of mobile phones in schools is an innovative way to make classes more fun and educational. On the other hand, like all things, it has its bad uses. Mobile phones, if used well, are very beneficial, but if we misuse them they can be very harmful. Using your cell phone in class is bad for two reasons, the first is that you don't learn and the second is that there is a high probability that it will be taken away from you.

  6. Hello, in my opinion, mobile phones should be allowed. I think this because they can be needed either for different activities, to make a necessary call or to notify anything necessary. But I think phones should be kept in our backpacks at all times, and if not, they should be requisitioned. Also that whenever students left the classroom they were kept by a responsible teacher.

  7. From my point of view, your cell phone can distract you if you use it when you are doing homework or studying, since you are checking messages or receiving calls, among others.
    It has advantages, you can talk to family, friends or classmates and do things that have been assigned to you for homework, but on the other hand there are times when they form class groups and they can send inappropriate things or cyberbully someone.
    This is my opinion.

  8. Hello, my opinion about taking your mobile phone to school is that there are good things and bad things, the good ones because you can let them know if something happens to you, look for things on the internet... The bad things because it's a type of distraction, they can steal it or take it away, you can lose it. Mobile phones are not allowed because they are a distraction, because you can take a photo of someone without permission, copy... I'd keep my phone in store for an emergency.

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. In my opinion I think that using the mobile phone in class could be useful but there are certain disadvantages and advantages, the advantages are that you can consult something that you do not know but there is a disadvantage and that is that they can take away your mobile phone right away it is useful but it would be recommended not to use it in class due to certain laws. And you also have to carry it quietly and you have to store it well.

  11. Thinking about this controversial issue, I wonder if there is correct answer. I used to think that cell phones were a good tool for different activities in the classroom, but now I think it can be a dangerous tool because it can be use for bullying. I believe that if you use it for a good purpose it can be an innovative approach to teach and learn. To summarize it´s in our hands to learn how to make a good use of cellphones.

  12. Honestly, I think that every studeny should have access to a cellphone. It's a really useful tool if used well. Of course it has its issues, just as ciberbullying. Its use it's the owner's choice. Besides from educational use, teenagers and preteens also entertain themselves with it. But still, it also has its issues. Just like the lack of attention in class. Some people use their cellphones in the middle of class and they don't really care if it gets taken away from them. I also think that cellphones shouldn't be taken away from people at school. Cellphones are also very useful because it allows you to communicate with people from all around the world, just as your relatives or friends. Remember that it's just an opinion and you're free of having your own thoughts about this.

  13. Hello, my opinion is that cellphones shouldn't be allowed during the class. Cellphones are very useful and quite necessary but if you use it badly it can be dangerous. I think that if you need to use the Internet in classroom, it would be better using common computers than use your own cellphone, so you will not be distracted. This is my point of view and I would like you to agree with me.


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