Hey everyone,

Today, I want to share a bit about my hometown, Murcia, Spain. Murcia is a vibrant city located in the southeastern part of Spain, It is known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and delicious cuisine and breathtaking beaches.

One of the must-try dishes in Murcia is "caldero," a flavorful rice dish cooked with fish, usually served with a garlic-infused sauce.

Another local favorite is "zarangollo," a tasty dish made with zucchini, onion, and eggs. It is perfect for a healthy meal!

The Murcian pastel de carne is a delicious meat pie filled with flavorful minced meat, boiled eggs, and spices...all encased in a buttery pastry crust. It's a comforting and satisfying dish that is actually my favourite one!!

And let's not forget about
"marineras," savory pastries filled with tuna, tomato, and peppers, a popular snack enjoyed by locals.

If you have a sweet tooth, you'll love "paparajotes," a traditional dessert made with lemon leaves, flour, eggs, and sugar, fried to perfection.

When you visit Murcia, make sure to stroll around the Plaza de las Flores, a charming square filled with colorful flowers and bustling cafes. Don't miss the stunning Murcia Cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture that dominates the city skyline.

With its delicious food and beautiful sights, Murcia is definitely worth a visit!

What other cities would you recommend me to visit and why?

Let's talk about it 😋


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  3. I recommend you visiting honk kong, capital of china ,because apart from being known as shopper's paradise there is so much more than just shopping. visitors can enjoy the view from high altitudes, samole local food, celebrate festivals, watching sports competitions , and visit movie settings in the city. also hong kong's culture is unique while simultaneously representing a fusion of different backgrounds. you should go its a very pretty place to stay.


  4. Hello, I'm going to talk about Portugal and why you should go there. Portugal is a super beautiful city and has a very good atmosphere. There are beautiful streets and if you really like walking, this city is for you. You should also go for the delicious and beautiful food. The most typical dishes of Portugal are, above all, cod and cream puffs, which are delicious.The people of Portugal are wonderful and if you go you are sure to have a great time.

  5. i recommend GHANA and there is a specific country you shiuld visit (ACCRA) cause it´s the capital and even though it´s not as pretty as kumasi but it`s also beatiful in it`s own way the most eaten food is fufuo,waakye´and jollof we also some desserts for example boflot,meat pie and baked chips . Accra has the memorial of are first president and it also has are independece square fun fact about Accra the reason it became our capital was beacuse it was were we gained our independece which is on the 6 of march
    Accra has some really intresting monuments and fun too so i think you should visist accra when you go to ghana to try some foods and visit some fun and amazing places

  6. when you visit river the Janeiro I would like to eat typical foods from there. I have tried my uncle's homemade things and they are veryyyy good. I would like to try the Quimdim balls and many more things. I also love the atmosphere, the people, it is very colorful and the parties are super cool, I like it. Also Brazilian music, My uncle is from there and sometimes he makes me typical food from his country Brazil, and it is delicious. I loveeee Brazil, one day I will go with my uncle.

  7. Hello! I recommend you visit London for the following reasons... First of all, London is full of galleries and free museums, I think that is something interesting since in museums we can find curious and entertaining things.
    London also has very beautiful monuments, such as Big Ben, which marks the passage of time, the Tower of London or Buckingham Palace. But from that, there are also many theaters, which I think are very entertaining.
    The UK public elects 650 Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests and concerns in the House of Commons, which is the democratically elected house of the UK Parliament.
    Some typical food that you should try in London are fish & chips, cream tea, chips and gravy, haggis and apple crumble, you will surely love them!

  8. The place that I recommended is Greece because there are many ancient monuments there and there are also very beautiful views.

    These are some typical Greek foods:

    Souvlaki- It is a piece of meat with vegetables and French fries.
    Gyros- It's a Greek kebab.
    Keftedes- They are Greek-style meatloaf.

    If you are going to Greece, let me know and we will go together, I also want to visit it.

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  10. I recomend you the city of Budapest in Hungary, Europe (47°29'54.1'' N 19°2.427' E).
    It have a lot of beautiful places like the parliament or any of the basilicas. The food there is delicious, I suggest the Libamáj, Kolbász, Letscho,Túrós Csusza or Pollo Paprika.
    They talk in hungarian ang they are hungarians :).
    In Budapest you have to pay in HUF the local currency and official coin.
    I never go to Budapes but some day I want to go.

  11. I recommend you Ecuador, because have the best and beatiful things, the food, the best part for me is the most delicious, and i have a examples: Empanadas de verde, ceviche de camaron etc, tigrillo, fritada and more and more, the places and the landscapes, examples: La mitad del mundo, Plaza grande, La virgen del panecillo y Santo domingo, the most beatiful country to visit.

  12. Hi, my hometown is La Habana, Cuba
    I recomed la Habana because our people is very helpfull and funny.
    In Cuba you can eat delicious food, for example: you can eat ´pisetas` or cuban pizza ( ther are a lot of food tracks), you can leave Cuba without eating ´´tamales``,´´congri`` and ´´ropa vieja``( no, the ropa vieja is not old clotes) and my favorites caldosa and arroz imperial.All so we have desert to, my favorites are the ´buñuelos`,´las señoritas`...
    You can visit the ´Malecon´, the cuban zoo, the ´callos` and the ´´capitolio nacional cubano``.
    Cuba is perfec for having relax and have a good time.


  13. hi! my hometown is (Brasil)
    I recommend São Paulo , because it is a beatiful country, you have beaches, parks, walls with grafittis to take photos,... The brasilian food is delicious and the desserts too, for example: pão de queijo, picaña, quindim, brigadeiro, paçoca de amendoim, feijoada, feijão, coxinha de frango...
    and the climate it is warm, all the year is hot, sometimes rain a lot
    the best months to go to São Paulo is July and August

  14. Hi,
    I´m writing about Logroño, the capital of La Rioja.
    In Logroño there is a street famous for the tapas: La calle laurel. This city have a catedral, but there isn´t very big, there is a square with the most famous statue, the name of the square is ``plaza del Espolón´´.
    You can visit a wine cellar to see how to make the wine.

  15. The place that I recommend you to visit is the United States, because it is a country full of adventures.
    The tipicals foods of the United States are:
    Hot dogs
    Macaroni and cheese
    BBQ ribs
    Chicken wings with buffalo sauce
    Chicago-style pizza
    Philly cheesesteak
    Reuber sandwich
    Some places that you can visit are:
    Statue of Liberty, New York. ...
    Hollywood Sign, Los Angeles. ...
    Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco. ...
    Gateway Arch, St. ...
    Niagara Falls, New York. ...
    Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
    I wish you like it and by

    Hello,I recommend visting Buenos Aires, is beautiful.
    This is a capital of Argentina, you can see the obelisk,its height is sixy-eight meters .
    Buenos Aires is the city more visited in the south America.
    The tipical food is the meat is very delicious and there are a lot of museum

  17. Helo, I recommend you to visiting Sydney (Australia), a very beautiful city. These are my reasons:
    Its food is very nice and it taste fantastic, the tipicals plates of Sydney are: The South Sea fish, a delicius fish with lemon; The lamb and apple pancakes, and final, The cherry ripe bar, it is a bar made by coconut, cherries an dark chocolate, it taste perfect. Also Sydney have a lot of interesting places like: The iconic Sydney Opera house, the Sydney harbour bridge and the Shelly Beach.
    I really like Sydney and I hope you too. See you soon!

  18. I recommend you visit Constata. It is a very beautiful city along the Black Sea coast.
    There are many varieties of places that make them worth visiting, for example. My favorite is the old Constanta casino. This beautiful art nouveau building is located near the seafront.
    Or the dolphinarium where trained dolphins offer incredibly amazing shows.
    However, the best thing is to enjoy one of the 7 beaches that surround Constanta.

  19. I recommend you to visit La Ceiba(Honduras), because you have many places to visit
    For example:
    The beach
    the wide variety of parks
    The rivers, like the Cangrejal River
    Obviously the gastronomy could not be missing, the most common gastronomy in La Ceiba is meat, seafood and fish.
    Examples of dishes:
    Snail soup
    Rice and beans
    and among other delicious dishes.


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