
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2024


Hey everyone, Today, I want to share a bit about my hometown, Murcia, Spain. Murcia is a vibrant city located in the southeastern part of Spain, It is known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and delicious cuisine and breathtaking beaches. One of the must-try dishes in Murcia is "caldero," a flavorful rice dish cooked with fish, usually served with a garlic-infused sauce. Another local favorite is "zarangollo," a tasty dish made with zucchini, onion, and eggs. It is perfect for a healthy meal! The Murcian pastel de carne is a delicious meat pie filled with flavorful minced meat, boiled eggs, and spices...all encased in a buttery pastry crust. It's a comforting and satisfying dish that is actually my favourite one!! And let's not forget about "marineras," savory pastries filled with tuna, tomato, and peppers, a popular snack enjoyed by locals. If you have a sweet tooth, you'll love "paparajotes," a traditional dessert m

Should students be allowed to have cellphones in school?

Nowadays, it is the most controversial question at schools and even at home.  On one hand, cell phones can be useful for communication with close friends and relatives, for searching for information for school tasks, etc. However, it concerns about distractions and bullying. What's your point? Do you believe cell phones are a necessary tool or a disruptive object in the classroom? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Let's open up the dialogue and explore the various perspectives on this contentious issue together! Your input matters. Here you have some interesting posts about the matter we are adressing. Inspire yourself! Using phones in the classroom? Why phones are not allowed at school Welcome to the future: phones in the class 5 reasons to avoid smartphones at schools


1 The reader is identified   (students at a school, the people living in a town or people who are interested in sports, movie fans, ...) 2 It has to get attention 3 It has to be interesting 4 It has to be easy to read 5 Write a good ending.  When writing a blog,  it's better to give the reader something to think about at the end, perhaps by asking them another question or giving them a call to action. Often, the best endings link back to the starting point in some way. SEE THE EXAMPLE! Should eSports be in the Olympics? In my view, yes! eSports should join the Olympics. They're popular and need skill. They're like sports in strategy and teamwork. Adding eSports might attract younger fans. It can make the Olympics more modern. Some people think that it is not a good idea because they're not physical. But I think it's time to change. Let's include eSports and see how it goes. I hope you will agree with me. See you :)